So we concluded that SsjG Goku WHILE fighting with Beerus was Universe buster. So Goku matched Beerus's power and Beerus said if he uses his powers so much the universe will be destroyed and that's after the fight he was talking about just his own power not about fighting another opponent. If it was the colliding this would happen:ġ- Goku might try stopping the fight because it might destroy the whole universe.Ģ- The powers of Beerus blows would be much less and it won't be destroying the universe but a "multi galaxy" as people say which doesn't make sense and a proof is at the second part of the discussion. If it was the colliding, the power won't generate enough energy to destroy the universe, and Goku said he wanted to perfect his move to MATCH beerus so the powers cancel each other out. Goku when he punches Beerus is trying to perfect his power and to be exactly parallel to Beerus's. I'm pretty sure people will say the colliding of power forms that much power, which is wrong. When Goku fights Beerus, goku was still don't have the capability to control his power well, when he went to space with Beerus, the blows of Beerus was destroying the universe. In Dragon Ball super Goku showed to be stronger that after he transforms into a super saiyan God, which means he becomes stronger than Vegito normal form, as long as Super Vegito for the reasons your going to briefly hear. So that clearly makes him more than multi galaxy level with ease. Super Buu is stronger than kid Buu, which is like combining the power evil Buu, nearly as strong as kid Buu, and fat Buu, and both are galaxy level, and what about Buuhan and with the intelligence of Piccolo within him and the Dorman powers of individually trunks and goten. In the Dubbed version, it was mentioned that kid Buu is stronger, but, in the manga and the Subbed version it was mentioned he was more dangerous than Super Buu because he only reckless and unthinkable, which doesn't make him stronger than Super Buu. So what would we have to say so we could start the discussion? Simple, I'll start saying that Goku became so stronger than when he was in the Buu saga! So lets say this: when Goku achieved his Ssj3 transformation in other world, he generates a power that is able to destroy a galaxy, speculation? Yeeeah no, it was shown and stated in the Manga that kid Buu destroyed galaxies behind each other non stop like it's safe to say some kinda rampage, and after it was mentioned that he turned into fat Buu, he was still able to do the same thing, if Broly himself destroyed galaxies as much as king Kai mentioned to Goku, and he was even weaker than Super perfect cell, Ssj 2 is weaker than Super perfect cell but as strong as a legendary super saiyan, might be slightly less, but still Gohan needed to fire up a Kamehameha wave stronger than his Ssj 2 form so he could Match up with cell's, and Majin Buu is waaaaaay stronger than all that! So how much strong is kid Buu? Evil Buu is just slightly weaker than kid Buu because he didn't have the presence of fat Buu's power, while Super Buu had all the presence and the soul power itself. I'm pretty sure most of you guys will say that mixing science and Anime is wrong, but I'm going to support that science bythe Dragon Ball Super logic and now it's needed because of the unanswered facts. Why science? Some information didn't provide us with enough knowledge about somethings so for us to know the only way is to use science and especially relate science to the Dragon Ball super science, so it could makes things easier. So you could easily know right now because what I'm going to be talking about is all going to be provided by feats AND evidences along with science. More and more adventures occured and each time he gets stronger, and evil kept coming, it's was like whenever there was good, there is evil following. While his journey, he got more skill and power and met the great master Roshi known as the turtle Hermet and trained him hard for the martial arts tournament along with a new friend Krillin. Bulma told him everything after both became close friends, and Goku accepted to go find them so he could manage to have more adventures. He knew about all this when Bulma accidentally hit him by her car while Goku was carrying a giant fish to eat it for lunch and save for dinner. At first, goku didn't know what was this, even grandpa Gohan just picked it up for him for the fact of being a "special Ball" for him. He had the four star Dragon Ball already from the first place given by grandpa Gohan so Goku could that he will be with him whenever this Ball is with him. His first tour was to travel through the world in search for the Dragon Balls. Goku started his adventure when he met Bulma. Goku is the main character in all kinds of DBZ histories.